By Carol Neuwirt
Antique jewelry is not only a fabulous fashion adornment, it is also very invaluable. It's certainly not something you want to wear if you do not know what you're trying to buy. Typically, you could certainly end up investing too much.
You can most definitely get bunches of awesome bargains on it, certainly on the web, if you know where you want to go, and who will give you the ideal bargains. In addition to shopping on eBay, there're also exclusive sites, as well as classified web sites like Craigslist.
This piece will help you to shop for what you want, including antique rings, without squandering a lot of your money. Although it may possibly seem obvious, there are certain things you ought to do first. If you have never gone shopping for this sort of jewelry before, then you might possibly need to consult with a person who does, but ascertain it's someone you trust.
If you don't know anyone, at that point you may wish to do a little bit of research yourself. My advice is that you first decide what kind of jewelry you're engaged in buying first, specifically the period. Major connoisseurs and vendors spend their lives learning all about it, so you will be at a severe disadvantage here if you don't know what you are hunting for.
One of the leading places to begin, is of course, is with internet auction sites like eBay. Lots of people consider online auctions is are the best route. Although this could be true frequently, you will discover that dealers generally know the monetary worth of the what they're putting on the market. The only issue here is that you'll always have someone who is only there to make money, and so you may wind up handing over more because the individual has decided to overprice their offerings.
Although I wouldn't recommend you stay clear of the auctions entirely, just be aware that you will not locate a great deal of offers there that help you save money. With that said, I wouldn't scuttle auctions completely; you have the ability to use them for research.
Classified sites, like Craigslist and Backpage are really good locations to go to shop on the internet because many people are there attempting to make a fast sale. This gives you an opportunity to search for bargains because the person might not know what they are selling, and this provides you the advantage if you know something about antique jewelry and vintage engagement rings. Just don't buy anything though until you have an opportunity to examine the products. Otherwise, this is the most prevalent chance you have to get swindled.
Private sites are most likely to offer what you are seeking, but you're most likely to pay retail price here. That does not mean that you won't get some awesome deals; it just means that you may remit a little more than you initially figured to.
You can locate these web sites by doing a query in the search engines. This is where it is really important to be acquainted with what type and period of jewelry you wish to find. When you do a search for the general search term, what you end up with is a bunch of websites, with loads of information you have to sift through if you want to find a few good values.
This is fine if you don't mind doing it, but if you're under a time constraint because you're shopping for the holidays or your wedding, then you'll need to be more precise. Some of the more preferred periods are Edwardian, Victorian, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and Retro. (That does not mean that you need to buy only from these. This will just offer you a good idea of what's readily available.)
You can find many terrific deals online for classic jewelry, as well as vintage engagement rings. Learn the different styles and periods, and then you'll be able to pinpoint the best bargains and buy them. you will finish up with jewelry you love, at a fraction of the expense.
Carol is an independent author living in, Montana. Mrs. Neuwirt is an avid antique collector. Mrs. Neuwirt is a specialist in antique jewelry and vintage engagement rings in particular.